With many of the best qualities that brewers look for when brewing American styles of beer, this strain’s performance is consistent and it makes great beer. Fruitier and more flocculent than Wyeast 1056 American Ale yeast, slightly nutty, soft, clean with a slightly tart finish. Ferment at warmer temperatures to accentuate hop character with intense fruitiness, or ferment cool for clean, light citrus character. Expect good attenuation, but this will vary with grist makeup, mashing protocol, or other wort characteristics. Reliably flocculent, producing bright beer without filtration.
- Flocculation: Medium
- Attenuation: 72-76%
- Temperature Range: 60-72°F (15-22°C)
- Alcohol Tolerance: 10% ABV
- Styles:
- American Amber Ale
- American Brown Ale
- American IPA
- American Pale Ale
- American Stout
- Blonde Ale
- Fruit Beer
- Imperial IPA
- Wood-Aged Beer
Activator packages are designed for direct inoculation of 5 gallons of standard wort. Activator packages contain at least 100 billion live yeast cells in a liquid slurry. This yeast slurry is packaged in an optimum condition for storage, while maintaining the ability for rapid and complete fermentation.