

Vino Superiore YouTube Channel

Our friends at Vino Superiore have set up a YouTube channel to connect with fans of their fantastic frozen Italian grapes. You’ll see videos demonstrating steps in the winemaking process, …

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New Class: Yeast 101

For intermediate to advanced brewers, this class will enhance your understanding of perhaps the most critical and under-appreciated ingredient in your brewing arsenal! Join homebrewing microbiologist Jason Rodriguez to discuss …

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Common Winemaking Questions

We get all kinds of interesting questions from winemakers every year. Here are some of the most common questions we hear from beginners: Is my wine fermenting? Hydrometer readings are …

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Abbey Pale Ale

A nod to the pale beers Trappist monks brew for sale at their monastery, or for consumption by the monks during times of fasting. Strong yet balanced, potent yet potable, …

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American Stout

Inspired by the stouts of Ireland and the UK, the American Stout delivers much of the same delicious roastiness. The addition of a healthy portion of chocolate malt, along with …

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