Keystone News


Brewers Brawl 2012 Winners

We want to extend a hearty congratulations to the talented brewers who took top honors at the 2012 Brewers Brawl at the Lansdale Beer Fest: 1. Tom Bastian, Imperial Stout …

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Brewer’s Brawl Round One Winners

Congratulations to the first round winners of the 2012 Brewer’s Brawl Keg Only Competition. We had an impressive turn out with 25 entries. Competition was fierce, but in the end, …

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Vino Superiore Seminar

We are very much looking forward to welcoming the Vino Superiore team back to our Montgomeryville store on June 9, along with the Italian winemaker Federico, to discuss their Italian …

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Introducing SANIKEG

If cleaning and sanitizing is your favorite part of brewing, you can skip this post. Otherwise you will probably want to take advantage of a new exchange program we have …

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Spring Newsletter 2012

The Spring issue of our newsletter is now available online. You can check out our upcoming Chilean grape and juice offerings and other seasonal products, brewing contests such as the Brewers Brawl, plus wine …

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Keg Only Competition

2012 Brewers Brawl at The Lansdale Beer Festival Keystone Homebrew’s epic keg only homebrew competition is back! Brewers battle it out for fortune and glory with their weapons of choice: …

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