

Brewer’s Brawl Round One Winners

Congratulations to the first round winners of the 2012 Brewer’s Brawl Keg Only Competition. We had an impressive turn out with 25 entries. Competition was fierce, but in the end, …

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Introducing SANIKEG

If cleaning and sanitizing is your favorite part of brewing, you can skip this post. Otherwise you will probably want to take advantage of a new exchange program we have …

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Keg Only Competition

2012 Brewers Brawl at The Lansdale Beer Festival Keystone Homebrew’s epic keg only homebrew competition is back! Brewers battle it out for fortune and glory with their weapons of choice: …

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5th Annual Philly Beer Geek

Compete for the most coveted title in the beer universe! The 5th annual Philly Beer Geek competition will take place during Philly Beer Week. Past winners have won over $1,500 …

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2012 Keystone Cup Standings

Our brackets are definitely busted after this one. At least it’s not a single elimination tournament, but those masters of malt, the reigning and three-time Keystone Cup champions, the Lehigh …

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Presentation by Italian Winemaker

Montgomeryville We will be sourcing our Italian DOCG grapes through Vino Superiore (a brand co-founded by Joe Cuciniello, a home winemaker and long-time Keystone Homebrew customer). Vino Superiore has arranged …

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Wine Finishing Class

This Wednesday, July 6, we are holding a special class examining the vast number of choices winemakers face when trying to decide how to finish and prepare a new wine …

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Elderberry Wine

We routinely receive questions from our customers about the use of elderberries in making wine. Up to now we have had limited opportunities to conduct winemaking trials, but have recently …

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