Cherry Wood Smoked Malt, Briess, 10 lbs


Produced using cherry wood and a proprietary smoking process. Contributes a smooth, sweet, smoky flavor. Produced by using cherry wood. Used to develop a rich smokey flavor.

  • Plump – 80%
  • Moisture – 6%
  • Extract – 80.5%
  • Protein – 12%
  • Lovibond – 5
  • Phenols – 15-30 ppm

  • Usage

  • 5-10% Noticeable smoke character in lighter styles
  • 10-20% More noticeable smoked character
  • 30-60% Pronounced smoke character

  • More then 60% can create an unpleasant flavor

These grains are pre-package and uncrushed.

Additional information

Weight 11.10 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 5 in

SKU mbrs10