Dehusked Carafa II (450L), Weyermann, Recipe Grains

$2.80 / lb

In stock (available)

Milled *

Batch # *

Help reduce waste. If you’re ordering multiple grains for the same grain bill please consider grouping them into a single batch number. It saves us time and plastic bags, Thanks!

Recipe Name


Fairly dark roast adds color, aroma, and flavor, while the lack of husk means very low astringency. Great, smooth addition for dark beers.

EBC: 1100-1200
Lovibond: 375-450
Usage: to 5%
Moisture: 3-4%
Total Nitrogen: 10.5-12.5%
Extract% (dry basis): 70
Soluble Nitrogen Ratio: N/A

These grains can be weighed to your specifications. Crush is optional, but include in the price.