Blichmann’s Fermenator Features:
100% Stainless Steel: Everything that touches your beer is heavy gauge stainless steel or FDA approved silicone. No need to worry about what options to buy–it’s all standard equipment!
Weld-free Interior: The Fermenator is the only weld-free interior fermentor (fernemter) on the market! No stress about bacteria hiding in weld cracks or porosity found in all welds. Even so-called sanitary welds. The surfaces of the Fermenator where the fittings penetrate are smooth (no weld “ripples”) so it is a snap to clean and sanitize. Although the weld-free fittings are more expensive than welded fittings, we think it’s well worth it for peace of mind and clean, bacteria-free beer.
Guaranteed 100% Leak Free: Our time proven design is rock solid and the core design is identical to hydraulic systems under thousands of PSI. Even the lid seal can be fully immersed under pressure!
Easy-to-Clean, Weld-Free Fittings: All fittings used for the bottom dump and rotating racking arm are stainless steel high quality industrial fittings, not make shift hardware store parts and pipe fittings. And unlike welded fittings, ours can be removed for easy sanitizing by sanitizer, boiling or autoclaving. And our competitor’s welded-in fittings can’t be replaced if they get accidentally damaged or wear out! And since our fittings can be removed from the tank they are even easier to keep clean!
Last, but not least, the weld-free fittings allow you to orient the dump valve in any position you want, not where it happens to end up when tightening a welded fitting….such as facing the rear of the refrigerator!
Rotating Racking Arm: The rotating racking arm is standard equipment! Just like the Craft Brewers huge conical fermentors. This feature allows you to start your siphon with the racking arm horizontal, and rotate it slowly downward until you just start picking up yeast sediment. Clearly the best and only way to siphon clear beer! And using the racking arm prevents wasting any beer or carrying sediment into your kegs which happens if you use the bottom dump to rack the beer. This exclusive design utilizes stainless flare fittings which can’t hide bacteria like compression fittings can. And the valve handle shows yo the position of the racking arm at all times.
Patent Pending Lid Hatch: Easy sanitary access to your fermenting beer. Minimizes exposure of the fermentables to oxidation and bacterial contamination when dry hopping or adding finings as opposed to removing the lid entirely. This generous size opening also makes it much easier to pitch yeast than pouring through the small stopper hole.
Patent Pending Bolted Leg System: Higher strength and spotless interior – Our channel shaped legs offer improved strength and appearance. An exclusive welding process is utilized to install fasteners on the tank wall leaving the interior of the tank absolutely flawless and superior to TIG welded designs where weld distortion (rippling) is unavoidable. The legs can be replaced in minutes if they are accidentally damaged! And most importantly, the legs are affixed to the tank so cleaning is much easier than designed where the tank simply sits on a stand.
Pressure Capable Stainless Lid: Just like the big breweries, use CO2 pressure to pump your finished beer up to 6ft above your fermenter to your kegs. Eliminates the need for elevating the fermentor above the kegs or bottling bucket. Ideal for chest freezers. Not intended for carbonation.
Wine-makers! Forms a 100% pressure and vacuum tight seal so no need for a floating lid! The sealing system is far superior to wine tanks and is completely impervious to oxygen. Most stainless wine fermenting tanks have a loose fitting lid for primary fermentation (to vent gas) and a floating lid for secondary fermentation (to prevent oxygen infiltration). This floating lid has an inflatable seal “tire” with a “bicycle pump†and must be checked periodically to be sure it hasn’t deflated. It is also a source for bacterial contamination from the fermentation material on the walls of the fermentor. The blanket of CO2 on the surface of the wine from fermentation will protect the wine from oxidation. After complete fermentation has been verified, remove the airlock and stopper and replace with a stopper with no hole.
Improved Lid Seal — Excellent Sealing and Long Life: Exclusive bead molded into the seal profile offers improved sealing on the tank lip further protecting your fermentables from contamination. Top quality silicone material has improved bond strength and temperature capability for long life. And the softer material conforms better to the irregular tank surface for outstanding sealing capability. Far superior to all competitive seals!
Folding Handles: Fold neatly away when not in use and stay connected to the unit at all times!
The 27 and 42 gal. units cannot be moved when full due to the sheer weight of the unit. When empty, all units are light enough to easily be carried by the handle.
Ultra Low Profile Design: The Fermenator can easily be placed in a full size refrigerator or freezer for maintaining fermentation temperatures at a fraction of the cost of immersion coolers which can run well over $600. And no worry about sanitation! See Data for dimensions. And check out our FAQ section to learn how economical and easy it is to convert a freezer into the ultimate lagering chamber!
Leg Pads: Plastic leg pads protect your counters and refrigerator from scratches.
Ale brewer? We have optional bolt-on leg extensions (see gallery for pic) to raise the unit for easy siphoning into a Cornelius keg. This is a great feature for brewers that want to make both ales and lagers with the same unit. Or, just place it on a counter or stand of your own.
Minimum interior refrigerator space required:
Wide Deep High
7 gal 15 15 27
14.5 gal 18.5 18.5 31.25
27 gal 24 24 35.75
42 gal 24 24 48.75
Leg extensions 24 24 add 18″
Casters add 8″ add 4″ add 3.25″
Note: it is recommended that you have at least 1″ on all sides for maneuvering clearance. Dimensions shown above do not include this clearance. Dimensions do not include airlock which is not used in a refrigerator. For low clearance installations, use 90o elbow (provided) on stopper and remote locate the airlock. click for photo For upright freezers and refrigerators it is recommended that you have 4-6″ of clearance above the unit if you wish to dry hop or add finings through the lid hatch.
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