The Most Interesting Man at Winexpert
For those of you who have not had the good fortune to meet Tim Vandergrift, our magnanimous guest speaker for the upcoming Winexpert seminar, that’s him pictured on the right showing off his Limited Edition Wine Kilt. Here are some details about the man himself:
He doesn’t use siphons. His wine transfers itself, just for him.
His cerebral cortex contains more tannins than a top Barolo.
He once challenged himself to a drinking contest. Halfway through the third carboy, he won.
Bordeaux imports wine from him.
Bacteria refuse to touch his wine purely out of respect.
His doctor advised him to drink more wine, because it makes his liver stronger.
His organ donor card also mentions his ponytail.
He makes award-winning Pinot Noirs….using Chardonnay grapes.
He shuns reumage, and carbonates his wine with a wink and a smile.
He once submitted his wine for a pH test; it scored an “A”.
Paul Giamatti would drink his Merlot.
He can barrel age wine overnight, in his stomach.
When he drinks contaminated wine, it tastes fantastic.
His kilt won Best of Show (Winemaker Mag Competition, 2012).
His armpits smell like Vieux Chateau du Roi.
The Dos Equis man lives vicariously through him.
He is….the most interesting man at Winexpert.
Tim Vandergrift doesn’t always speak at great homebrew stores, but when he does, he prefers Keystone Homebrew. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to meet him:
Wednesday, December 4, 7:00pm at our Montgomeryville store. Please sign up in advance.
Stay thirsty, my friends.